Sustainability Pledge

We care about our planet and everyone in it. We understand the effect of our human activities on the planet we love so much.

We recognize fashion is a significant contributor to climate change, toxic waterways, ocean pollutants, land use and more.

We care about our planet and everyone in it. We understand the effect of our human activities on the planet we love so much, as a result we have chosen to do things differently.

We have pledged to continue producing designs with materials that allow our customers to wear our cloths longer, which averts increased incineration of worn-out clothes.
To research and introduce materials that can be upcycled or recycled; this would reduce the amount of waste in landfills
Our Brand has taken responsibility to repair and restore where possible cloths sold to our customer, this allows the customer to continue to enjoy the use of what they love without contributing to waste. For our customers choosing to get rid of their items, we have programs that allows them to donate them to the less privileged.
We believe that taking responsibility of our planet is the only way to save it, I hope you join us in this journey of saving our environment and our world.